New North Regional Career Pathways
In order to offer a regional career pathway, districts must offer a sequence of 2 career and technical education (CTE) courses along with 2 or more of the following:
Industry recognized credential (IRC)
Dual credit course
Work based learning
Career and technical student organization (CTSO)
Congratulations to the following New North Consortium districts from CESA 8 which have submitted Regional Career Pathway maps. Click on the links below to access each district's state-endorsed Regional Career Pathway:
Advanced Manufacturing Regional Information:
Agriculture, Foods, and Natural Resources
Architecture and Construction:
Business Administration Regional Information:
Direct Patient Care:
Education and Training:
Hospitality, Culinary and Tourism
Information Technology:
Non-Direct Patient Care Regional Information:
Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Regional Information:
For questions about the Pathways project in NEW North, contact Grant Coordinator Valerie Brooks at

BUSINESSES: If you are interested in connecting with your local district, find their contact information HERE