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Dave Honish
Agency Administrator
Jenny Ambrosius
Continuous Improvement Manager
Jamee Belland
Co-Director of CIA
Bobbi Jo Boomsma
Registered School Nurse
Melissa Boutott
Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Darla Brink
Director of Literacy Center
Valerie Brooks
Career and Technical Education Coordinator
Angela Carlson
Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
Jessica Carriveau
Physical Therapist
Shawn Christenson
Physical Therapist
Nick Curran
Director of Business Operations
Erin Davids
Kristin DePouw
Educational Audiologist
Kristy Erickson
Associate Director of Student Services
Michael Fehlhaber
Director of Human Resources and Talent Recruitment/Development
Stephanie Feldner
Director of Curriculum Instruction & Assessment
Scott Ford
Dir. of Specl Ed/Program Support Specialist
Courtney Franz
Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Patricia Fuller
Occupational Therapist
Amanda Gauthier
Oconto County Birth to Three Teacher