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Patricia Fuller
Occupational Therapist
Amanda Gauthier
Teacher, Service Coordinator
Jessica Gauthier
Orientation & Mobility Specialist
Jennifer Gleason
Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Holly Gumieny
Speech Therapist
Kate Hebel
Teacher of the Visually Impaired
Tessa Heckel
Speech Language Pathologist, Assistive Technology/AAC Specialist
Nikki Herald
Students Services Program Asst./PDSESS Program Asst.
Tammy Higgins
Occupational Therapy Assistant
Jodi Hilger
Occupational Therapist
Kristin Hodkiewicz
Occupational Therapist
Lisa Hoffman
Finance Manager
Brooke Holbrook
Director of Career and Life Ready Department
Cassy Hollenbeck
Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Molly Jacobson
Speech Language Pathologist
Erin Jahnke
Educational Diagnostician
Nicole James
Human Resources Coordinator
Brenda Jozwiak-Boldig
RSN Director/Director of Special Education
Jessica Kaczmarek
Agency Administrative Assistant
Betty Kaliebe
Graphic/Web Developer - CIA Program Asst.